Corporate Social Responsibility
Though an international courier service, Coastline Carriers believes social responsibility begins at home. That’s why our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is just not practising corporate philanthropy, but more about community-based development, known as “Creating Shared Value” or CSV. This unique business model, started in 1990, was the brainchild of Coastline Carriers's founder Dr Carlson Finley the present CMD. The aim was simple: create and share wealth amongst thousands of people by making them entrepreneurs, who in turn create more job-opportunities. Today, 10,500+ Coastline Carriers-backed entrepreneurs have created job opportunities for over 30,000 people. Our multinational shipping company believes in philanthropy that goes hand-in-hand with corporate success. Apart from e-commerce trading, Coastline Carriers also contributes to a wide range of issues including health, hygiene, education, empowerment of women and children, disaster relief, and rural upliftment.